The Most Comfortable & Portable, Non-Inflatable Hot Tub Available Since 1986!

Soaking in your Softub on a cold winter day can be just the thing to warm you up and rejuvenate you after a long cold week. Unfortunately, soaking in a hot tub during the winter months can also seem a bit daunting and might cause some people to avoid their Softub in the extreme cold.  Read More

Raising a child is an art form all its own. Children can have very short attention spans – who can blame them? The bombardment of information they are processing 24/7 in our busy, high tech society can overwhelm even the best behaved and most composed – heck, it overwhelms most adults! There are great educators,  Read More

Recently, it seems that there has been a flood of new research showing all of the amazing health benefits that hot tubs can offer for various diseases, Type 2 diabetes is no exception! The New England Journal of Medicine recently published their findings on a study of hot tub use for Type 2 diabetics, the  Read More

Softubs are a joy to use at any time, in any weather, but there’s just something about soaking in the dark that takes the experience to another level. The cool, crisp air. The stars above. The quiet. It all helps you to sink deeper into the moment. Focused, your senses come alive. Your stress and  Read More