The Most Comfortable & Portable, Non-Inflatable Hot Tub Available Since 1986!

Using your Softub for 15-20 minutes every day can relieve muscle tension, stress, and ease your mind so you can sleep better. Of course longer, more frequent soak sessions are even better! Any hot Softub time is time well spent. There’s actually a bit of science behind this strategy of using your Softub to improve  Read More

Click, click, click, click, click. Tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. Click, click, click, click. Click, click. Tap. Sound familiar? How many hours a day do you spend clicking and tapping way on your computer keyboard? Or swiping and tapping on your smartphone? Working. Shopping. Banking. Chatting with friends and family. We spend hours a day  Read More

Softubs are different, and it’s the differences that make them great. “Sure,” you’re thinking. That’s what they all say. But Softubs really ARE different. One look will tell you that. But that’s just the start … First of all, don’t think of a Softub as a soft-sided hot tub. While it IS a hot tub,  Read More