The Most Comfortable & Portable, Non-Inflatable Hot Tub Available Since 1986!

There are hundreds of reasons for you to jump in your Softub and we have yet to meet a Softub owner that needs an excuse to take a soak, but just in case you are looking for a good reason to use your Softub, we have put together a list of the best times to use your Softub. See what you think.


When you wake up in the morning

Taking a soak in your Softub first thing in the morning is the perfect way to start your day. The hot water increases blood flow and gets your body ready to take on the day.

When you are feeling stressed

There is no better way to relax when you are feeling stressed, than taking a soothing soak in your Softub. The heat of the water and the massaging jets will relax away your stress in no time flat.

When you are hurt

Soothing away aches and pains is one of the main uses of a Softub. The heat of your hot tub will increase blood flow to the affected area, which helps to promote quick healing. As soon as you feel your back aching or joints hurting, head out to your Softub and chase those pains away.

When you are in the mood for romance

Softubs are the perfect place for romance. Light a few candles, turn on your love songs playlist and enjoy a romantic evening in your Softub.

When you are all fired up

When your temper is all flared up and you need to take a minute to regain your composure, your Softub is ready and waiting. Something about the gentle bubbling of the hot water takes the heat out of your temper, so you can think clearly.

When you need a break

Whether your work is manual labor, mental labor or chasing after kids all day; you work hard and sometimes you just need a break. Your Softub gives your body and mind a break like nothing else will. Just 15-20 minutes in your tub gets you ready to face the rest of your day.

When you want to have fun

Softubs are just fun! When you are looking for something fun to do look no further than your Softub. Whether you are alone, with your spouse, your kids or your friends you will definitely have a great time when you are in your Softub.

When you want to enjoy good conversation

There is nothing like a genuine face to face conversation, but anymore it is harder and harder to disconnect and fully engage in conversation. Your Softub provides the perfect place for that conversation to happen.

When you have company over

Entertaining guests is always enjoyable and it can be even better when the evening moves to your Softub. Some of the best evenings end in Softubs.

When you want to enjoy a family night

No matter what age your kids are, young and old alike all love a family night in the hot tub. Watching movies, playing games or just hanging out having fun it is all so much better when the location is your Softub.

When you are ready to go to bed

Finally, your Softub is perfect for when you are ready to hit the hay. It will relax your body and mind, while it alters your body temperature getting you all set up for a good night’s sleep.

There you have it. Twelve of the best times to use your Softub. If you already have a Softub, pick your favorite time and get soaking. If you don’t have your own Softub, what are you waiting for? These are just a fraction of the ways that you can use your Softub. Come see us at a Softub Express event near you, or call us at 800-996-TUBS (8827), we would love to give you another way to enjoy life.